Welcome to T.M.W.I.P.O.A.P.W

(The Massive Work in Progress Of Ariel's Personal Website)

Hi, i finally made my neocities page! after all this time, that was the easiest part, now comes the actual part of the webstie, Making it. which will probably not be a important project rn, so this will update really slowly in time.

This website will provide all kind of information, regarding interests/stuff i like, social medias you can find me and contact me, as well various website and shoutouts i like, which will take his fair bit of time

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make Sneed's Feed and Seed

theres a lot of stuff i need to work on, i left a lot from the deafult page unchanged:

But for now i will leave a plain of text to all my social media i can show, from most to least used:

If you wanna know what i have planned for this website, You can check my to do list Here.

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